Saturday, September 11, 2010

Conversations with Kaitlyn

I'm stealing the title from my friend Julie, but these are some snippets of conversations I've had with Kaitlyn so I can't think of a more appropriate title.

The proper name for a movie burned onto a disc:
Me: Kaitlyn, can you put that piece of paper back into the DVD case?
K: No, MY paper.
Me: No, Kaitlyn, the paper belongs to the DVD?
K: Paper goes to DBDB?
Me: Yes, the paper belongs to the DVD.
K: No paper.

Promises, promises:
Me: Kaitlyn, you can have the toy when you poop on the potty.
K: Poop on the potty?
Me: Yes, you need to poopoo on the potty and you'll get the toy.
K: I poopoo on the potty mommy. I promise.
(C' cute is that??)

In TJ Maxx:
K: I have a booger
Me: Kaitlyn, you have a booger?
K turns to look at me with her finger up her nose: Yeah, I have a booger (giggle)

No shame in admitting we are struggling with pooping in the potty. We put the "product" of the accident in the potty and then dispose of the underwear or pull-up. The following conversation happened after putting the poop in the potty.
K: Put poop in the potty?
Me: Yes, Kaitlyn, mommy put the poop in the potty.
Me: *Sigh* Yes, baby, there is poop in the potty
(How do you explain the difference?? LOL)

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