Tuesday, August 23, 2011

A Mother's Rant

I know, I know, I'm on a posting tear these days!! I don't know what's gotten into me (well, actually, I do, it's work avoidance, but don't tell my boss!).

I was reading a CNN.com article that paraphrased an interview with Karl Lagerfeld and Carine Roitfeld, a former French Vogue editor. In the interview, Karl said "You're also lucky because [your children] are very beautiful. It would have been difficult to have an ugly daughter."

What an awful awful thing to say. Note, he doesn't say, it would have been difficult to have ugly children. He specifically calls out having an ugly girl. As if girls don't have to put up with enough sexism or unrealistic standards in today's society. I don't know anybody who fears that their child is ugly, or even thinks their child is ugly. I bet even Quasimoto's mother loved him at some point.

And it's not like the man is an Adonis himself. To wit:

(courtesy of some random website). The term cryptkeeper comes to mind.

In another quote from the article, Lagerfeld admits that with his largesse, he's pretty far removed from reality. Since he doesn't have to worry about how soon the next paycheck is coming, or who's going to cook dinner, or how to be in five thousand places at once to coordinate household and child errands, then I can see why someone who is One Billion and Ten Years old would be CONSUMED by having ugly children. Perhaps he should switch his focus to something more pressing, like resolving the famine situation in Sudan by delivering supplies with his privately owned jet, or better yet, promoting world peace. If this is how the rich think, then I don't ever want to experience how the rich live. I'd rather focus on the warmth and richness my beautiful child brings to my life and let her know that I know she's beautiful and cherished in every way. That way, she will come to realize comments like these are merely words that could never take those things away from her.

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